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  1. I regularly write for Jungle World and Missy Magazine about pop culture. Articles by me have also been published in taz, testcard, Berliner Zeitung, LOLA Magazine, HANT Magazin für Fotografie and others.

  2. THESE GIRLS (2019)

    Two articles (on Poly Styrene and on Portishead) for the These Girls anthology. 

    These Girls. Ein Streifzug durch die feministische Musikgeschichte, editd by Juliane Streich, Mainz 2019.


  3. UTOPIEN (2019)

    testcard. beiträge zur popgeschichte #26, co-edited with Holger Adam, Roger Behrens, Jonas Engelmann, Frank Apunkt Schneider, Anna Seidel, Laura Schwinger, Johannes Ullmeier, Christian Werthschulte, Mainz 2017.


  4. KRITIK (2017)

    testcard. beiträge zur popgeschichte #25, co-edited with Roger Behrens, Jonas Engelmann, Frank Apunkt Schneider, Anna Seidel, Holger Adam, Mainz 2017.


  5. DAMAGED GOODS (2016)

    Two articles (on Pere Ubu and on Erase Errata) for the Damaged Goods anthology. 

    Damaged Goods, 150 Einträge in die Punk-Geschichte, editd by Jonas Engelmann, Mainz 2016.


  6. JOKEBOOK (2015)

    Co-edited with Anna Bromley Michael Fesca, Suza Husse, Teena Lange, nGbK, Berlin 2015.

    Published in the context of the REDEMPTION JOKES exhibition at nGbK Berlin.

  7. LOOKS FAMILIAR (2011)

    Co-published with Suza Husse, Berlin 2011.

    Published in the context of the exhibition LOOKS FAMILIAR at Savvy Contemporary.